Professional Development

Storytelling Workshop

Storytelling Workshop

About the Program

General information

I want to express myself in front of crowds. If you say that I want to reflect my inherent energy into words. I invite you to the world of fairy tales. From a pure perspective, we explore our abilities to express ourselves by entering the magical and mysterious world of fairy tales. Narrative art invites you to an inner journey that will last 5 weeks. Are you ready for an aesthetic, original and exploratory journey?


Education Plan

 Week 1

What is a tale and what is not? We start with the subject. By deepening the elements of the tale, we will create the infrastructure of the narrative art. We will deal with the differences between fairy tale reading and fairy tale telling and enter the world of fairy tales.

 Week 2

By subjecting the tales we have to text analysis; We will try to make the tales tell. Our tale will be deepened with event, place and character analysis. In addition, we will consider practically how the images and symbols used in the tales affect the tales.

 Week 3

How to tell a tale by introducing tale telling techniques? How is the tale memorized? We will learn the answer to the question practically.

 Week 4

Practical studies will be conducted about staying in the moment, improvisation, evolution into a fairy-tale body, creating atmosphere using sound, use of objects and costumes, which are important for the storyteller. Then we will start the storytelling.

 Week 5

Tales will be told after working with friends who want to tell the tales they chose during the workshop.



Participants who actively participate in at least 80% of the training program and are successful in the exam/homework at the end of the program will be entitled to receive a "Certificate of Achievement" prepared by the IBE Business Institute.

Application Form
More Information

İBE | Training Consultant

0 537 033 81 82 | 0 537 033 81 82

[email protected]

General Information
  • Starting Date:April 1, 2023
  • Duration:30-40 Hour
  • Location:Hybrid
  • Instructor:Yetkin Yüksel