Digital & Technology

Videographer Certificate Program

Videographer Certificate Program

About the Program

Videographer is person that is responsible for the camera, light, etc. during the shooting process, who does the planning of the shoot before the shoot. S/he is the person who performs the use of the tools and does the editing-montage operations after the shooting. Mastering all these processes requires being a good planner, exhibiting effective time management skills, and being able to produce solutions in the face of problems by having an aesthetic point of view. The fact is that, especially after the importance of smartphones and social media platforms, visibility has become imperative for companies and general audiences beyond products, and it is increasingly important to have the ability to shoot and edit with an aesthetic eye, and to have technical and theoretical competence in this direction.


In this context, the main purpose of the Videographer Certificate Program applied training given by the İBE Business Institute is to provide the technical and theoretical equipment that will enable you to present yourself, your company and your brand to the masses, and to enable those who wish to step into the Videographer profession.


For detailed information about the Videographer Certificate Program, you can contact us by filling out the application form.

Application Form
More Information

İBE | Training Consultant

0 537 033 81 82 | 0 537 033 81 82

[email protected]

General Information
  • Starting Date:22 October 2022
  • Duration:36 Hour
  • Location:Face to Face
  • Instructor:Prof. Dr. Ali Atıf Bir / Feyyaz Cürgül